Climate Crisis Protests Breakout Across the World


Photo provided by the New York Times

People protest against climate change near the the White House.

In recent years the topic of global warming and climate change has become increasingly more and more important. Companies and consumers are showing that it is very important for them to buy sustainable products that are good for the environment. But despite the changes Americans have made in recent years these changes may prove inconsequential. 

More than 1,000 scientists around the world protested to bring awareness to the climate crisis and the permanent damages that may occur if large changes are not made. The scientists warn that if Greenhouse gasses are not cut down by 2025 the damages will be irreversible. 

“I think the scientists that are doing it are first and foremost very brave and courageous for being willing to take a stand to get their voices heard,” said junior Hakeem Rowser. 

One protester took his cause to the extreme. Wayne Bruce was 50 years old when he set himself on fire in front of the Supreme Court on Earth Day this year. He unfortunately died due to his injuries. Despite the extreme protests the media has shown little to no coverage about the protests and the man’s death. Many people in America either don’t know these protests are happening or they simply don’t care.

We need more media coverage and education on climate change to better keep people informed and involved on what’s happening,” Rowser said. 

While changes have been made like the invention of electric cars, grocery stores switching to reusable or paper bags and there are more sustainable clothing brands these changes may not be enough.

“I don’t think there is enough pressure at all to stop climate change. Every little step taken by caring people is meager compared to the damage being done by mega corporations that produce incomparable amounts of waste,” said sophomore Ava Neuhaus.

Just 100 companies commit 71% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Meaning the average person is not the leading cause for the climate crisis. Procter and Gamble’s, a major merchandise company, baby care and paper manufacturing products alone are responsible for emitting 17.8 million metric tons of Greenhouse gasses. 

It’s up to the general public to demand for the government to enact real change to combat the climate crisis, even doing small things like using reusable bags while shopping, though small are better than doing nothing.