Students Have Mixed Opinions on the 2022-2023 Spirit Week
September 19, 2022
Many students at Freedom High school were confused with the themes for the 2022-2023 homecoming spirit week. It was difficult to understand how to dress up for the themes and what each theme meant.
“The themes were really hard to do and it was hard to pick anything out to wear,” said sophomore Shaelei Kim.
The 2022-2023 spirit days included Zoom Day, Perfect Pair Day, Life Anthem Day, Theme Day and Class Color Day. The first three spirit days vary every year, but Theme Day and Class Color Day are always the last two days each year. There was a limited amount of information provided for students on how to dress up for each day, and many did not own clothes that they could wear for spirit days. A lot of students enjoyed the 2021-2022 spirit week more and believe it was easier to participate in.
“I feel like last year’s spirit days were better and easier to do, but this year was fine and we still were creative with it,” said sophomore Naavya D’Souza.
The 2021-2022 spirit week featured USA Day, Country vs. Country Club and Neon Out. Students found it easier to be creative with clothing they already owned for that week. However, while the spirit days may not have been as fun as last year, students were still able to enjoy dressing up and showing off their school spirit for homecoming.