APES Classes Introduces Famous Black Doctors and Scientists

Photo by Sadie Porter

Emma Julander, Libby Donahoe, and Angeline Jackson holding up their posters.

Sadie Porter, Staff Writer

February is the month where Black History is nationally celebrated.

Many schools across the country use this month to teach students about lesser known, but very important, African American people that aren’t celebrated as much for their achievements.

Students usually expect their history classes or maybe English classes to give them a small lesson regarding black history, but this year, the AP Environmental Science classes did a project that is displayed around the school.

The APES project was to find a famous black doctor or scientist, and create a poster about their biggest achievements while celebrating their contributions to science.

Often throughout history, the accomplishments of African American scientists are completely overlooked and go unrecognized when their work has provided us with so much information and research.

Everyone knows Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison and Charles Darwin, but many people don’t know about Daniel Hale Williams, Rebecca Lee Crumpler or Charles Henry Turner.

It’s doubtful that students would know that Daniel Hale Williams performed the first successful heart surgery. But how could they if they were never taught?

The goal for this project is to introduce students to influential black doctors and scientist who had a big impact in the science world.

Senior Nayana Raut said, “It’s important because we learn about these black scientists and doctors impact on the development of modern science.”

Freedom students should know the impacts that these black doctors and scientists have on current day medicine, health, and our understanding of the human body.

Students should take the time during their lunch time, before school, or during study hall, to look at the posters in the main hallway.