Learning Languages is Important in Navigating the World
Illustration provided by Nikolaos Sitsanis
Greetings in various languages around the world
March 17, 2023
Learning languages plays an important role in how society navigates the world in many different aspects of life. Language cultivation can be a resource for people who are traveling, finding jobs abroad, migrating countries and communicating with others from different ethnic backgrounds. Learning a language is an essential part of a human’s journey.
Language starts at birth, from the mother tongue, and carries on throughout generations of living. Many historical regions or areas of the world have a designated “official language” or a language that is commonly spoken in that area. Although most people can speak one to two languages due to their background and where they live, it is a fundamental experience learning more than just two.
When learning more than just two languages, people get to learn about culture as well. Language not only enables people with the ability to speak to others in a different form of communication, but also expands their knowledge on different cultures around the world. People who are active learners of language, in many ways, immerse themselves into the everyday lives of certain cultural groups who develop customs out of language.
“Language is a direct link to one’s culture because it’s the way people communicate and express themselves and their identities,” said Pragna Nidumolu.
Language can also be a form of expression for many people and helps form identity, especially in culture. Without language, identity would be lost and culture would forever live on, seeking language as its unifying force.