Seniors Are Preparing for College

Summer senior checklist graphic by St. Augustine Prepatory School

Hannah Joo

Seniors spend most of their final year in high school sweating the details of the college application process. As the school year is coming close to an end, seniors are finishing up their college decisions and finalizing their college plans. Shifting from the high school lifestyle to a completely different college lifestyle, seniors begin planning their preparation for college.

“I want to slowly start learning how to cook and try to be more independent,” said senior Rhea Ganesan. “I also want to spend on things on my own and try to understand how to organize my life so I can ease into college life.”

Entering college is an exciting milestone for seniors as they embark on a new chapter in their lives. This transition can be both thrilling and overwhelming. Whether it be through visiting the campus, meeting with a counselor, or applying for scholarships, all seniors find their own methods that are the best fit for them to feel a step more prepared for college.

Senior Riya Pasupulati said, “I don’t feel ready for college at all, but I am currently financially planning and starting to complete some independent tasks. I want to learn about the community of my college so I can feel confident when I attend in the fall.”

Through these academic, financial, social, emotional and independent processes, students prepare for college in a holistic way. Seniors can set themselves up for success and make a smooth transition into college life.