Sleeping is an important factor when it comes to getting a good education, but it is also an important factor when it comes to providing a good education.
Due to school starting at 9:30 a.m., many teachers are able to get a good amount of sleep because of how late the school day starts. This leads to some teachers having a good sleeping schedule with at least seven hours of sleep.
“I tend to go to bed early and I don’t have to wake up till later because school doesn’t start till 9:30,” said Craig Elliott, biology teacher.
Well this may be true for some teachers, other teachers don’t receive as much sleep as they would like to. This is because some teachers come to school early to provide extra help for their students.
“On school days, I probably get about five and a half to six hours [of sleep],” said Michelle Howard, AP Environmental teacher. “It’s because I work too much. Usually at night I’m planning and or writing curriculum for the next day, and then I always try to get to work at least an hour to an hour and 15 minutes early in case students have to come in to do makeup work.”
Being a teacher can bring a lot of stress and this can change the amount of sleep that they get each night.
“I think that regardless of what teacher you are, there’s always a lot of work that you do outside of your work hours and I think that leads to stress, anxiety, and just physically running out of time,” Howard said.
Not all teachers have the same sleeping schedule because sleeping schedules for teachers depend on their workload and how much grading they do.