On April 29, the Red Cross club partnered up with Panera Bread to raise money for the vaccinate a village fundraiser. Students ordered their food either in person or online, and used a code to connect to the fundraiser.
“The goal [of this fundraiser] was to have our club members come together to raise any sum of money to donate to Red Cross’ vaccinate a village initiative,” Sophomore Rashmi Admala, the vice president of the club, said. “Even one dollar saves a life as accessibility to measles vaccines is improved.”
The fundraiser, which was organized by Panera and Kimberly Haugh, the Red Cross teacher advisor, managed to raise 212 dollars in total.
“We had 71 transactions and our 20 percent is 212 dollars,” Adamala said. “That means that those who participated spent $1060 in total!”
The Red Cross club is planning to organize more fundraisers in the future for different causes that may need funding in the future.
“We definitely want to [have more fundraisers],” Admala said. “Next year, we want to do both more service projects and fundraisers for red cross initiatives!”
Red Cross Club holds Vaccinate a Village Fundraiser
May 3, 2021
The fundraiser was on April 29th. Screenshot taken by Pratha Ravani from the Freedom Red Cross instagram page.
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About the Contributor

PRATHA RAVANI, Editor in Chief
Hi, My name is Pratha, and I’m a Senior at Freedom High School. I was the online editor for Uncaged last year, and I am currently the Editor in Chief. I love to read and write. I am also a part of Red cross Club and in my free time, I love to travel. I am looking forward to writing for Uncaged this year!