Study Habits Affected by the Pandemic and Online Learning
Students seem overwhelmed by the transition from online school to in-person school. The sudden change in how school is formatted makes school slightly more challenging for some students. So, how did the study habits developed from the pandemic affect individuals in the long run?

Illustration by Julia Buktaw.
October 5, 2021
The majority of students in the 2020-2021 school year spent the entire year at home. Online students seemed to have a difficult time adjusting to in-person school, which began in late August.
One of the reasons for this was because last school year, the average student would wake up a few minutes before class, grab their computer and start class for the day on their bed. Most students had no motivation to participate in class, and some would even sleep during lectures or their free time during school.
“I feel like there was no motivation when it came to getting work done last school year,” said Karolina Beardslee, a sophomore at Freedom High School.
Students seemed to score lower on average with tests during online school than in-person school. Online school also made it a lot easier for students to cheat during tests. This makes students unprepared for in-person school, where they cannot cheat and look at notes while taking tests.
Students seemed to rarely study for tests last year, whereas this year, they have to study nearly every day for hours. They also missed out on the hands-on activities during class that can help one better understand a topic. Distractions were a problem too, with other things happening at home while trying to focus during class, or presenting a project with sounds in the background.
The transition from online to in-person school seemed overwhelming, considering the workload and stress that comes from it. Trying to adjust from the online school lifestyle, to in-person school, where one has to put all their effort into school, is not an easy thing.
“There was a huge difference with the amount of work we got this year compared to last year, its overwhelming,” Beardslee said.
During online school, the majority of teachers would call a student’s name to ask them a question and the student would completely ignore them. Also, no one turned on their cameras, which also made the teachers seem like they were just talking to a screen. Not many students would participate in activities or answer when they were called on.
“There was a huge decline in participation while we were in the online learning format,” said Jacqueline Hubbard, an FHS teacher.
Last school year, many teachers went through notes, but students never had the motivation to actually do them, which made the tests more difficult. Teachers were constantly frustrated to receive late work every day.
“During online instruction my students struggled with submitting their assignments on time,” Hubbard said.
It is obvious that it was easier for the majority of students to focus during in-person school, rather than online school. It will take much effort to help students get back to or improve their pre-pandemic study habits.